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How To Create Strong Brand Presence

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By Becca - May 23, 2018- in Go-Getter Blog

Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other. In the early days, social media was considered a luxury. Now it is absolutely necessary.

Business reputations live or die by their social media standings. A cutthroat digital world is always evolving, it is a continuous learning experience. 

Continue to research new tactics to stay ahead of social trends.

“People don’t just go on Facebook and Twitter to connect with other people anymore; they also use it to consume news, develop tastes and even shop,” said Nissim Lehyani, CEO, and co-founder of Facebook-integrated e-commerce platform Easy Social Shop.

From Amazon to Pinterest, social media has become one-stop-platform to compare, select, and buy products in a simple and convenient on-the-go fashion.


According to Statista, Mobile ecommerce has been on a continued rise with the availability of a range of online shopping preferences for consumers that include online purchases of grocery, toys, books, music, movies and video games, clothing and footwear, household appliances, consumer electronics, and so on.

In a 2016 survey, it was found that about half of mobile shoppers turn to smartphone or tablets for purchasing products for convenience; 46 percent opted for the mobile platform to save time. 

According to both Nielsen and Forrester Research, Communication and social apps account for the most usage, followed by games, music and streaming video.

With that said, a mobile-friendly store is a must to maintain a good reputation across the increasing number of mobile shoppers.


Good-storytelling has been around for a long time. Social media is behind the new profound storytelling age where the most authentic brand stories thrive.

Social media creates very public conversations about brands, the good and the bad. A good brand story should inspire and evoke emotion among your customers.

A good story is a combination of every little thing that happened in the process of making your brand. Brand story is a powerful non-traditional marketing tool that should be used by almost  every company. 

Check out the power of storytelling of Adidas, Lululemon, and Nike below. 




Stay Relevant

Do you remember the Super Bowl Oreo commercial blackout? It was instant, it was newsworthy, relatable, and the audience loved it. Connection is a powerful thing.

Steer away from the automated process. Look for new opportunities within bthe online community. Stay up to date with real-time news and events and provide a sense of inclusion.

Be on the lookout for new trends and local news to maintain a good reputation and engagement. 

Be relevant and engage in real-time.


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