Orders & Fulfillment FAQs
How can I check the status of my order?
You can view the status of an order from within your CustomCat account by clicking Orders in the left navigation menu (review our Order Management Tutorial here). If you notice that a recent sale doesn’t appear in your CustomCat dashboard, please wait until 2 hours after the sale before contacting us. CustomCat imports your orders every 2 hours (half past the hour). The order will show “Awaiting Production”after processing until the production process begins. After production begins, the order will display an “In Production” status until the shipping label is printed & the package is ready to ship. At this point the status will change to “Shipped” & the tracking number will be displayed for your reference.
How can I change the size/color/shipping address before the item ships?
Because our production facility is automated for processing orders as fast as possible, the time to make changes to your orders is often limited. Any requests to change an order must be submitted before the item has entered production.
From within the CustomCat platform, we offer our partners the ability to pause or edit order details (including design, product, or product variant) before orders are processed. Once an order has entered production, we are no longer able to edit the products in the order. You can continue to make changes to the shipping address or method any time before the order has shipped. Please review our Order Management Tutorial to learn how & when to edit order or shipping details.
Should I mark my orders as fulfilled?
For Etsy & WooCommerce: NO In order for our system to recognize that we should process an order, the status will need to be marked as “Open” or “Unfulfilled”. Once an order ships, we will automatically update the status of the order to Fulfilled in both the CustomCat platform & on your ecommerce platform. Once we mark the order fulfilled, any shipment notification emails you set up in your ecommerce platform will be sent to your customer, including the tracking number. The tracking will also be posted in your CC dashboard for you to view once it ships.
For Shopify: In Shopify Admin, please update your Checkout > Order Processing settings to to “After an order has been paid, ‘Automatically Fulfill the order’s line items‘”
- If you do not update this general setting, you will need to click ‘request fulfillment’ on each Shopify order for the tracking information to sync from CustomCat to Shopify.
- If you do not update this setting OR “Request Fulfillment” on each individual order, we will be unable to update your order status to Fulfilled, sync tracking information, or trigger your store’s automated shipment notification emails.
Why am I receiving a charge fail when my customer has paid for their order?
If you are receiving a Charge Fail error on an order, it means we have received an error from your financial institution when attempting to process payment for that order. This may be due to issues with your billing address, expired payment method, or insufficient funds. Please contact your bank for more details about what you need to do to resolve the error.
When you make a sale, the entire purchase price is paid to you by your customer through whatever payment processing you have set up in your store. However, we are not involved in that transaction. Our system uses the payment source that is in your CustomCat dashboard to charge you the base cost of the items in the order & the associated shipping fees. In order for CustomCat to fulfill your orders, you will need to provide a valid payment method within the CustomCat app.
Can I change the SKUs associated with CustomCat products in my listings?
Please do not edit the SKU field on any CustomCat products, as they let us know which product, variant, & design to use to decorate your orders. This SKU number (for example: 22-113-45853-252) is generated automatically when your products are exported from the CustomCat Platform.
If you have erased the original SKU from your product listing after exporting a product to your online store, you will need to re-export that product to generate a new SKU number. If orders with missing SKUs have entered your Error Queue, you will need to place a new Manual Order from your CustomCat account or the back office of your online store to replace the errored order.
What are your replacement & return policies?
We stand behind the quality of our products & guarantee our workmanship 100%. Any defects or errors on our part will result in a replacement at no charge — simply submit a customer support request with a photo of the items in question & one of our representatives will issue an immediate replacement. Replacement orders are prioritized in our production facility in order to ship as quickly as possible. We typically do not offer returns, refunds, or replacements due to user error such as incorrect selection of sizes, designs, colors, etc.
How should I inquire about order status or issues with an order?
For any past or existing orders, please submit a customer support request directly through the CustomCat app. This allows us access to all relevant account & order information to help you most efficiently. When time is of the essence, this should be your go-to contact method.
You can also view your order status at any time from within your CustomCat Orders dashboard.